Manitoulin Island Poetry by Kathleen Colville

Manitoulin Island

Geese overhead,
Black soil Below,
Birch all around,
An Island hello.

They tell me you are beautiful and I believe them, for
I have seen the sparkling waters
pocketed throughout the rocky land

They tell me you are kind and I believe them, for
I have seen the warm smiles
from the young and the elderly.

They tell me you are quiet and I believe them, for
I have heard the waves lapping
gently against the mighty limestone rocks.

They tell me
You are the rose of Northern Ontario,
You are the spirit and the
Vacation land for people all over the world.
You are the peaceful and sacred
Land of the Anishnabec.

Geese overhead,
Black soil Below,
Birch all around,
An Island hello.

–Kathleen Colville, Manitoulin Island Artist

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