Well, it turns out that arranging a marriage took a lot more effort than I had anticipated.
The extraordinary occasion of my wedding has delayed the 2nd issue until I get back from my honeymoon in the 3rd week of August. Which is a shame, because I’ve been incredibly pleased with all the positive responses we’ve received to our first issue. I’m chomping at the bit to get the next issue out, so keep your eyes open after August 20th.
But, we still need your support. We need contributions, long stories, short stories– anything about Manitoulin Island, or by the people of Manitoulin Island is welcome! We also need pictures for our photo contest, if you don’t have a scanner, then you’re welcome to snail mail them to us at :
The M@Gazette
c/o Dylon Whyte
Box 41
Gore Bay
P0P 1H0
And don’t forget that we have an extensive advertising system for the M@Gazette, everything from simple text ads to full-blown webpages are possible. There’s no better place to advertise your services to the world than on the World Wide Web. Contact us for more information!
Remember to pass on the word about the M@Gazette, our “paper” isn’t just for the island, it’s for the world! Don’t keep it a secret!
– Dylon Whyte, August 2nd, 1998