Canton of Marwick’s Electronic Messenger Newsletter – Issue 5.


The heraldic device of the Canton of Marwick in the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.Canton of Marwick Information Page

I hope this missive finds you well.


The next meeting of the Canton of Marwick will be Thursday, April 22 at the Barnes and Noble bookstore on Rt. 22 in Springfield, at the usual time of 7:30pm. Discussion will be Lively, and the topics will range. Come on down to the meeting, Thursday night at 7:30 at the Barnes & Noble. We do not usually dress in garb for meetings, they have a lovely cafe, and of course plenty of books. See you there!


Second quarter reports have been submitted (the exchequer’s was impeccable, the seneschal’s wasn’t all that late….) We are in desperate need of someone to be Herald. There is a certain amount of work which goes along with this position, which can be greatly increased by your willingness. We can also reduce the amount of tasks, if need be, but it we are to continue to exist we MUST have a name in our Herald slot!


We have a lovely display in the Westfield Public Library, and photos of it will soon appear here on the website. Mudthaw was a great event, many thanks to those members of Marwick who helped out, with Troll and elsewhere. Look for more events on Lord Erec’s Calendar. We have very good people in our Canton, the big question is, Do we want to have an event? We should, if we can. Please come out to the meeting so we can discuss this Important Matter.

-Lord Erec

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